7 ways to grab someone’s ATTENTION on Twitter


You can get yourself known to a wider audience on Twitter by various ways of introduction:

  1. Following – people tend to check out who their new followers are.
  2. Mentioning – use a person’s @TwitterHandle within a tweet to get their attention.
  3. Retweeting – giving visibility to somebody else’s tweet within your own community is a noble act and won’t go unnoticed.
  4. Favouring a tweet – use favourites as a form of bookmarking for yourself; the owner of the tweet is also made aware you’ve marked it as special.
  5. Add a person to a list – lists help organise Twitter accounts into group activity streams. When you add a person to a public list it’s made known to them, including the name you assigned for the list, e.g. ‘Really Cool People’!
  6. Hashtags – use recognised #hashtags to help people find your tweets around themes of common interest.
  7. Profile description – integrating important keywords into your profile description helps for internal Twitter searching and for standard Google searches.

And don’t forget to be interesting at all times – getting the attention of someone and holding it are two different things.


image by  ATENCION: